Final Trip Costs ($14,530.84)

This is the final breakdown on costs from the Santa Cruz trip. It may be difficult to follow. If you would like the spreadsheet, please tell me and I will email it to you. Please ask questions if you have them. And please, get your bills paid!!

w 703 551-1957
h 540 371-8796 (before 9pm)
IM kabza

The following costs were split among the 31 travelers:
Here is a breakdown of each item.

Plane Tickets ($9,920.00)

Bill fronted the money for the plane tickets.
$310 x 32 = $9,920.00

Rental Cars ($1,196.64)

Originally, we had 5 minivans reserved. They screwed up and offered us 2 cars for each minivan; that is 5 paid cars and 5 free cars. Not needing 10 full sized cars, we knocked it down to 4 paid cars and 3 free cars. The cost of each rental was $192.16. Two drivers needed insurance. The drivers, their car rental, and any insurance were as follows: This totals $868.64.
I fronted the money for the car rentals.

Unless otherwise noted, each driver paid for gas for each rental. The breakdown is as follows: The gas total is $328.

The car rental and gas total is $1,196.64

Hotel Rooms ($3,279.20)

The rooms were $109 Fri, Sun, & Mon, $168 on Sat. This subtotals $495. Tax is 10%, for a grand total of $544.50 per room. The team covered local phone calls ($12.20) made from the rooms (these were calls to food places and to Paula’s dad’s friend, etc).

Miscellaneous room charges, to be covered by the players and not the team were: (6 rooms x $544.50) + $12.20 phone charges = $3,279.20
Including the $57.33 miscellaneous charges, the total was $3,336.53.
Bill fronted the money for the rooms, phone charges and miscellaneous charges.

Breakfasts ($135)

We had 3 breakfasts in one of our hotel rooms. Fronting the money was Catherine for $95 and Bill for $40. This totals $135.

Total cost to the team ($14,530.84)

$9,920 (plane) + $1,196.64 (cars) + $3,279.20 (rooms) + $135 (food) = $14,530.84

We have (barely) enough money in the school account to reimburse me for the car rentals ($868.64) and (barely) enough money in the foundation account to reimburse Bill for the plane tickets ($9,920.00). This brings down our total expenditure to $3742.20. It drops our base rate to $120.72 per person. This means a savings of $348.02 per person!

Of the remaining $3742.20 in expenditures, Bill fronted $3336.53 (rooms and all room charges). (Gas of $328 and food $135 has already been paid by others).

Cost per person (approximately $120.72)

As mentioned, the base rate is $120.72. For those who paid for gas and food, I have subtracted the money you spent. For others, I have added your miscellaneous room charges. Because of what she fronted for gas and food, Catherine Easterling is actually owed money. Bill, you need to give Catherine a check for $14.28

The following people owe Bill money. Give him your check or send it to:
Bill Lucas
302 Camden Drive
Fredericksburg VA 22405

Jane Clark - $120.72 - PAID 6-22
Paula Giannotti - $120.72 - PAID 5-07
Erin Hogan - $120.72 - PAID 6-22
Megan Hoyt - $120.72 - PAID 5-21
Elizabeth Isabelle - $127.38 - PAID 5-20
Ashley Kline - $127.38
Renee Liers - $120.72 - PAID 5-07
Kasie Liles - $120.72 - PAID 5-19
Heather McKenzie - $87.38 - PAID 5-28
Katie Miller - $120.72 - PAID 5-07
Emily Newton - $120.72 - PAID 5-23
Shaina Nunez - $120.72
Aliea Pastore - $129.38 - PAID 4-30
Laura Rehbehn - $127.38
Lindsay Reilly - $120.72 - PAID 5-23
Erin Ridout - $120.72 - PAID 4-30
Lauren Roan - $94.72 - PAID 5-28
Clare Sanchez - $129.38 - PAID 5-07
Alicia Sovart - $120.72 - PAID 5-09
Victoria Stauffenberg - $120.72 - PAID 5-18
Kate Storks - $120.72 - PAID 5-20
Molly Sullivan - $127.38 - PAID 5-17
Diana Torres - $120.72 - PAID 5-12
Amber Welch - $120.72 - PAID 6-03
Jenn Welsch - $100.72 - PAID 4-30
Katherine Wilson - $120.72 - PAID 5-12
Andrea Wyatt - $80.72 - PAID 5-26
Marie Zezula - $73.38
Kris Kabza - $58.72 - PAID 5-07